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I don't like Trump at all but Biden has me singing the MAGA blues.

There is no magic race of modern women, you just pick your poison.

Black women: Brute force trauma

White women: Death by 1000 passive aggressive cuts

Asian women: Silent, cold, calculated killers.

Spanish women: No personal experience but let me know how they are if you do.

If you think there's a magic race of feminine women think again!

@basedbagel Thank you for your kind words. I have learned that the sooner you can "match" what you see in the Real world with what you're thinking of, in your mind, Life becomes "easier".
You stop "trying" and "forcing" things. You just accept it and then try to find your place in the world. Usually a quiet, secluded place... and just be fearfully thankful that it isn't worse, for us. I am glad for these forums; to meet Men who understand these harsh Truths on the same level.

I use to be a leftist 5 years ago and I was miserable as SHIT lol.

The next time some leftist makes you mad remember that they're miserable and likely mentally unstable.

You know something funny?

I've never heard a man say some conflict is good for a relationship...

Only females

So my sister is a whore by trade
and she paid off 6 figures in student loan debt and makes more than me...

When I say hoes are winning, I speak from experience.

I changed my mind on subjective morality.

Morality must be objective. Why?

1. Most people are psychologically incapable of creating their own meaning.

2. Most people struggle following rules that aren't absolutes/idiot-proof.

3. Most people lack the discernment to make good long term decisions for themselves and their community.

I'm not a Muslim but Sharia law has rhe right idea.

I know a female that paid $2,000 for a self-improvement course...

BRB I gotta make my own courses.

If you can't beat them, join them.

I dont think im ever giving my money to a financial advisor ever again.

My last one was such a PRICK and he wasn't even that smart.

I despise people that are condescending and wrong.

If I'm going to lose money I'll do it myself.

I don't know who needs to hear this but find a way to charge monthly for your product or service.

You'll sleep better at night and need less customers when you have recurring revenue.

I'm speaking from experience because constant outreach is a pain in the ass.

I propose a secret society called "Adults in the room" where only people whobcan discuss serious issues without emotional outbursts are allowed.

I wish someone told me to study human psychology and power dynamics before politics.

I would have been alot less confused.

Today is my lucky day.

I got on youtube and everyone was shitting on justglowiethings.

I don't really care why but anything that gets less men to trust her is okay with me!😀

I FINALLY figured out which country I'm moving to! 🎉

Now it's time to figure out how to open a foreign bank account.

@Tfmonkey How did you first come to the conclusion to repeal the 19th with such rampant censorship and disinformation?

I try to research things now and it's a giant pain in the ass to cut through the noise.

I can't be racist.

Racism = Power + Privelege - Pastry

Only straight white non-jewish men can be racist by definition.

I think that twitter making you pay for a blue check is a way to test their payment system.

Elon said he wants twitter to be the US version of wechat.

I think this is the 1st step in ending online anonymity and controlling the internet.

Why doesn't my business debit card have my business name on it?

Any good idea is ruined once it's mainstream.

The red pill was supposed to be an underground movement where MEN help MEN improve.

Now it's devolved into begging/debating with hoes,grifting and praying for the downfall of women.

Red 💊 should never have gone mainstream SMH

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.