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This dude Modern Life Dating has to be a cokehead or a glowie.

He said a woman should endure getting hit once to maintain the relationship....

Why the FUCK would you say that online not anonymous int this climate?

I'm no longer red pill, mgtow or anything related.

I refuse to be in a movement with people that say retard shit like this out loud.

The manosphere may be a shell of it's former self but the entertainment value is second to NONE.

This HURTS so much to say but boomers were right about crypto.

I wanted them to be wrong so bad...

Oh well you can't win them all. I'm just glad I got my $$ out on time.

One of my favorite YouTube trends was when people would rant about random shit that irritated them.

There's something special about hearing someone rant about something mutually irritating.

Good times.

Alot of people miss the point and think men are logical and women are emotional.

This is false.

ALL people are emotional.

The key difference is that men HAVE to face reality at some point or face dire consequences.

Women and children do not.

It's now trendy for women to call themselves sapiosexuals..

Please DO NOT fall for this nonsense!

Women are not attracted to your mind.

They are attracted to surface level attributes only.

I believed this foolishness for years and it caused me so much unnecessary pain.

If women were truly sapiosexuals, you would see gorgeous women with programmers and not athletes\businessmen\entertainers.

Moral of the story:

If you don't have any shared values or mission together.

You will lose them as soon as they get laid or start a family.

This is an immutable law of nature.

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My dad told me years ago that when I get older I'll lose all my friends once they get married.

I got really pissed and strongly disagreed.

Fast forward a decade and I've officially lost all my friends to the almighty pussy.

I hate admitting boomers were right..

ALL meetings are pointless.

They only exist because people can't read and need to be talked through everything like children.

The only people who like meetings are the people that don't do any work.

Now that I've blocked all the jootards I can say this.

Jews run the media, banks and some of the biggest businesses.

However they're not evil, the Zionists are.

I'm not worried about random Jews, I am concerned about Zionists aka beta male Jewish supremacists.

How is it legal to give female and minority owned businesses preferential treatment?

I'm not even outraged I'm just curious.

I always thought business was the last vestige of meritocracy but clearly I was mistaken.

Why the FUCK is loli trending on a saturday night I hate all of you!🤮

I see why my generation is obsessed with clout.

It's such a cheat code.

I got a lot of pushback when I said women shouldn't work.

Now it's time for my victory lap.

Bud light- brand KILLED by a lousy bitch

Equifax - 425 MILLION dollar data breach because a dumb bitch didn't update the computers on time...

Facebook- Suffered a data breach and the bitch in charge who barely worked just retired and didn't even show up to court. Zuck had to stand in for her.

Do you still think I'm crazy for saying women shouldn't work or be in any position of leadership?

Think before you sleep went from a MGTOW content creator to a milktoast reactionary.

Ok fine I get it you want you YouTube $ cool get paid.

But why the FUCK is he dating Brittany Venti, a ran though BPD thot?

Did he learn nothing?!

Either hes a grifter or a glowies.

What do you think?

Obama was the last politician who fooled me.

He said he was going to close Guantanamo bay and bring the troops home and I was so excited!

Finally someone standing up against the military industrial complex!

He then proceeded to drone strike the hell out of innocent civilians and my heart sank.

Haven't trusted a politician since.

This is why I NEVER consider myself right wing.

You have satanic pedophiles putting BDSM and gay pride gear on kids and coercing your family into taking dangerous drugs.

What is the conservative response?

"We should sue!"

You do NOT FUCKING sue murderous pedophiles. You make their HEADS ROLL!

Some people are WAY too civilized for their own good.

Great now I can't shop at target anymore.

All this pedo shit is really getting out of hand.

But never forget you can't have this pedo fuckery without LGBT because they're all mentally ill.

I thought Walt Disney was a jootard until I saw razorfists video about him.

The guy was actually pretty based and he stood up to the commies.

They didn't like that so they smeared him calling him an anti semite...

Communists are truly despicable creatures.

Daily reminder the FBI is STILL looking for January 6th protestors even after it's exposed as a gay op.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.