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Tate shouldn't be in jail but he should be fined for hubris.

What the FUCK was he thinking bringing a shriveled feminist from BBC into his house to interview him KNOWING they're going to try to get him to incriminate himself?

He could have gone live by himself or called up a YouTuber if he wanted to speak to someone.

Some people just don't know when to SFTU

Tate looks like Ernie from sesame street and has still fucked more bitches than anyone this server combined.

Yet Black pillers SWEAR they cant do anything about their genetics.

Bunch of lazy oafs

Total war makes no sense to me.

Sure it sounds good in theory because you would demoralize your enemies.

But just look at The Middle East.

All of the drone strikes on civilians just radicalized them and strengthened their resolve to fight back avenge their people.

These civilians would have been neutral or possibly sympathetic to your cause but because of this total war nonsense now your permanent enemies.

I enjoyed sorting videos by the oldest as a way to see what a content creator was really about before the $$.

You can't even check that anymore since YT has removed that feature along with banning some of my favorite classic videos.

Nor can you reach out to them without them trying to charge you for their bum ass inner circle.

I know I have to adapt or die so I'll stop bitching and accept my place as a YT boomer.

Those were some good times though.

Thanks FBI for curing my YT addiction.

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I miss when Youtube wasn't a mainstream platform.

Before content creation became a legit career path you could tell what people posted came from the heart.

This is what saddens me about the state of the manosphere.

When I 1st heard these stories of men getting ghosted on, falsely accused or losing access to their kids you could FEEL their pain.

These soulless grifters just reheat the same stale talking points every day and so BORING and manufactured these days.


Why aren't mastodon DMs end to end encrypted?

What kind of psy op nonsense is this?

Jamie Foxx left paralyzed and blind from the vaccine.

It's all good hes still alive so he can still sue...

But in all seriousness why did ANY rich person take the vaccine?

Why do we pay property taxes on cars that don't appreciate in value?

At least when you buy a house the value can go up a significant amount.

Property tax on cars just seems like a rip off.

I just unclogged my sink with baking soda and vinegar.

Instead of paying a plumber I spent 10 bucks and 10 minutes.

Life is good

Black pillers have always seemed a bit gay to me.

Why are you getting your looks rating from other men when you're trying to attract women?

I see now why Barbarossa left the red pill/MGTOW and I'm doing the same.

At some point you have to move on and really go your own way.

The RP was supposed to be a cheat code for a select few men to improve their life.

Now RP in it's current bastardized form is some revenge of the nerds gloom and doom, and begging/shaming hoes.

Anytime a movement gets too big it gets watered down to be more normie friendly and inevitably betrays its own principles.

I see now why Barbarossa left the red pill/MGTOW and I'm doing the same.

At some point you have to move on and really go your own way.

The RP was supposed to be a chest code for a select few men to improve their life.

Now RP in it's current bastardized form is some revenge of the nerds gloom and doom, and begging/shaming hoes.

Anytime a movement gets too big it gets watered down to be more normie friendly and inevitably betrays its own principles.

Books are the BEST ROI bar none.

I just read "Never pay the first bill" about how the medical industry overcharges you.

Then I took a look at my bill and they billed my insurance over $1,000 more than they should have!

1 book that cost me 12 bucks saved me over a grand in medical expenses.

You can't beat that!

I have 0 issues with most people I work with.

But that cancerous few are not worth me risking my livelihood so I don't discuss personal things with coworkers anymore.

Especially not with females/fags. (The fags are the WORST by far)

I worked TOO hard to lose my livelihood over someones hurt feelings.

The internet is petty as shit.

Tell me how they found a picture of this dude in a diaper?!

I keep telling people to keep your weird ass fetishes to yourself but what do I know I'm just kinkshaming.

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So this dude Modern Life dating is a trip.

He's a dating coach who got charged for bottling a woman in the face for rejecting him at a club.

Way to hold frame!😂

He's lucky he's not in the US doing that stupid shit with his cokehead ass.

I have a bad temper and I get rejected all the time. It's never occurred to me to beat a bitch because my feelings got hurt.

What a great coach.

I just found out there's a name for this called the euphemism treadmill where overtime we keep making up new euphemisms to make people feel better.

Good thing I'm leaving the west soon this is exhausting

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I got triggered today.

Some female was watching a show about midgets.

I was trying to make conversation about it and interrupted me saying that they're little people.

I don't know about you but as a 4 inch bagel calling someone a "little person" sounds patronizing as fuck to me.

It's just like with black people.

Calling someone a colored person is offensive but a person of color isn't?

It's the SAME SHIT just backwards.

This stuff only makes sense if you don't think about it.

The biggest privileges that no one ever talks about:

Pretty Privilege

Nepotism Privilege

If you're attractive and well connected, you have to TRY to fuck up at life.

I have no issue with diversity hires.

Most people get hired because of who they know.

The playing field was never fair so I don''t care.

There are bigger fish to fry.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.