
I know the perfect woman, but she lives 200 miles away. Probably it's best to admire her from a far. The best woman is the one you never get to know.

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There are people in this world close to this woman, who have witnessed some of her disgusting habits, her dark, crazy thoughts and actions, her capacity for betrayal. They would laugh at your idealized description.

Just as you would tell a woman that The Perfect Man is an impossibility, so is she a creation of your mind.

Better to replace all notions of perfection and understand that everything is a mutual tradeoff of flaws and strengths than have reality take you out later.

@UncleIroh this is what I mean. I say she's perfect because I haven't met her. We only exchange some messages in social media. She seems cool and we share interests and values, but I'm sure she's just another feminist pretending to be conservative.

@blitzdriver Got it. Meet her and find out.

Also, all women are feminist. Even if they're also conservative or Christian. It's just what it is.

@UncleIroh I'm not making myself available for her. If she invites me for some event in her area or if she is in my district for some reason, sure I'll meet up. I'm not avoiding women, just not chasing.

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