Remember when Halsey bragged about how the IDF crush Hezbollah, pushed them back to the Litani River, and Hezbollah was defeated?

Remember when I said that wasn't true and Hezbollah was pushing the IDF back and inflicting significant casualties?

Today, the IDF bragged about making it a whole 3 miles into Lebanon before being pushed back. the Litani River is 20 miles from the Lebanese border.

The IDF is NOT winning. They are just airstriking civilians.

@Tfmonkey Effected by the artifcal flood/rain/hurrcanes

Turns out ((( Bill gates))) owns the ((( pattern))) off artifcal hurriange generation

No doubt stolen knowledge from the White Tartarian empire
and the grab of power during the last realm reset

If toxic masculinity was real, then children raised without men would be the happiest and most successful children, and women living alone without men would not be on every anti-depressant known to humanity.

PSA: I don't have a WhatsApp, it's spyware. This isn't me and they're running some kind of scam.

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