
Remember when Halsey bragged about how the IDF crush Hezbollah, pushed them back to the Litani River, and Hezbollah was defeated?

Remember when I said that wasn't true and Hezbollah was pushing the IDF back and inflicting significant casualties?

Today, the IDF bragged about making it a whole 3 miles into Lebanon before being pushed back. the Litani River is 20 miles from the Lebanese border.

The IDF is NOT winning. They are just airstriking civilians.

@Tfmonkey All the sick Holocaust stories they invented, like the masturbation machines, skin lamps, human soap, Banjo-Kazooie, looney toon style guns, and gas baths are reflections of what jews want to do do the goyims

@37712 @Tfmonkey @Mike_Microwave

It seems if you subscribe to Zero Hedge articles you can't be wrong,maybe they should buy Info Wars so TFM will talk about gay frogs

Human soap, skin lamps were actually real (although in test quantities only). Gas baths were established practice and millions of Jews were processed in such a way. You have to be a halfbrain not to know it.

Another story is hate of Jews towards goyim and the fact that they learnt a lot from Germans and are practicing the knowledge on Palestinians…


"Another story is hate of Jews towards goyim"

This is what the Orthodox Jewish texts of Sanhedrin 57a says

"With regard to bloodshed, if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt."


""Maimonides writes: "As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war…their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them"

Maimonides...was a Sephardic rabbi and philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages

"Another story is hate of Jews towards goyim"


The Yad Vashem Memorial has stated that the Nazis did not produce soap with fat which was extracted from Jewish corpses on an industrial scale

Yad Vashem (Hebrew: יָד וַשֵׁם; lit. 'a memorial and a name') is Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

@shortstories @Peryskop This was taken as a given when I was a kid. The idea that jews might make shit like this up to garner sociopolitical capital apparently never occurred to earlier generations.
@KingOfWhiteAmerica @shortstories @Peryskop Jews: my grandmother was murdered by a German masturbation machine.

boomers: no lie detected.
They took the electric roller coaster ride to Sheol 😭 read my statement about soap once again - is there anything about industrial production or am I talking about ‘test’ can you read and understand?

Same goes for approach of Jews towards goyim. Why the fuck are you posting obvious stuff? Can you read fucker? not really. Earlier generations remembered what happened much better. Another thing is that Jews used the compassion of earlier generations to abuse the rest of the world and rob all of us. Poles suffered the same as Jews during the WWII but Jews have stolen and privatised the Holocaust completely.
@Peryskop No-one disputes the Axis Powers killed *lots* of people in their war effort; they were fighting to win. Also not disputed is that, indeed, some large number of jews met their end as a result of said efforts. However, the idea that this was a “Holocaust” has no bearing in historical fact. Germany’s obvious goal was to secure a homeland for the German Race, in the face of overwhelming opposition by most of the other governments of the world. Calling their war effort a “Holocaust” implies the Germans intended it as a burnt-offering unto the Lord. There’s simply no good reason to believe that.
@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Peryskop The irony is the Allies killed most of the Jews that died in the war. It'd have been more merciful for the Allies to just take the Jews off Germany's hands like they wanted, and then send them through cattle gun sheds set up by the docks.

Kikes would sooner cause the slow miserable agonizing deaths from bombing, disease and starvation of their own kind than let any Whites have true freedom from their fucked up ZOG.
They'd rather be the slaver kings of the ashes then fuck off to their own corner of the Earth and make an honest living in paradise.

Things we should all keep in mind when we next have the chance to revolt and consider how to deal with them.

@Tfmonkey Halsey can't go against his people, to do so would be risking the community turning their backs on him.

@Tfmonkey Halsey clearly has a dogmatic view of Israel, and doesn’t lose anything if Isreal wins so it’s in his best interest to side with Israel.

the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization...

Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”)...

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official

The Intercept


Fake Nukes Phil has shown that there are baby dolls disguised as babies in the news

And that many of the Palestinians shown on the news were not actually killed..

This does not prove that Jews are not killing Palestinians.

Maybe they intentionally put fake kills on the news so that people will see the fakery and think Jews are not killing Palestinians when they really are but not in the news footage.

Maybe the Jews & Palestinians work together to make money in a fake war

@Tfmonkey Hezbollah has been preparing to fight in this terrain for dozens of years. The IDF have no idea of the quagmire they just landed into.

Time for a
"I Told You so Dance Party"

TFM Show 11/09/2024 Starts at @01:19:30- Hezbollah losing, If anyone doesn’t stop Israel,Halsey claims phenomenal job of pushing past the river

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