we live in an age where slaves think they are masters, and master that think they are slaves. Nietzche would think we have lost our minds or something.
does who seek power are punished, while the biggest sheep getting rewarded. for example, you who work hard get nowhere, and the biggest sheep gets free money.
How do i know? everyone is buying bitcoin, come sheep buy more bitcoin. notes am not attacking crypto, am just saying.
hey support Joe Biden, attack Trump, someone gets deposited $5k
@RodrickSage Facts - losers are rewarded with welfare and diligent workers are levied a tax to pay for these losers. The Cause? Universal suffrage, lack of accountability, and "human rights" - otherwise known as "muh free shit."
If laziness is rewarded then people will take the easy way out and remain losers. Gov't is a reflection of the people and as such will tolerate it until it hurts their wallets.
I doubt any change will be effected.
@crimsonrealist Military personal have to start getting snaps cuz, their salary is not enough to live. it can't be all welfare.
Welfare became after the great depression. even in the 1950s people could still afford an apartment. Italian immigrants had to find a place fast.
@Stahesh @RodrickSage Communism is the disease, capitalism is the cure.
Of course, dumbfucks who vote for free shit in tandem with politician cocksuckers are going to make our lives a living hell. You can't escape this.
But, walking away and doing as minimal as required to service your lifestyle may be a means to saving your sanity.