
@zebuceta @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey so disapointing i want endless stacks of bodies as far as the eye can see, how manny have died around you?

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@dander @zebuceta @Tfmonkey in my personal life 0 but friends of friends / acquaintances have had entire families wiped out at least 7 dead that I can personally name but it seems like people are just getting sicker and sicker and basically displaying all the signs of a decaying immune system especially with the people that I work with a lot of them are just getting sicker or getting sick or having the flu or not feeling too well under the weather that sort of thing ultimately will know more 1/2

@VooDooMedic @zebuceta @Tfmonkey has there been any substantial rise in cant work am sick around ur sphere? austtralian mp mention declined vaccine injury pay

@dander @zebuceta @Tfmonkey ultimately what's the year clicks over I think we'll go to see a lot more changes to People's View on how it actually is affecting people I know the Australian Medical Association is looking into the excess deaths with an open mind they have yet to announce officially that it was the vaccine but they are looking to that quote on quote possibility so I'm just waiting for Australia to wake up and actually realise that the US is not their friend....

@VooDooMedic @zebuceta @Tfmonkey about fuking time they do ,am quite surprised they even started this soon into the culling. have you any dips in the real estate?

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