@dander Fuck I really wanted Biden ti win again and build back broke. I want this bad joke of a country to finally collapse so that we can finally rebuild and start a new. If biden does not win then the public will not wake up to the fact that we have a banana republic co trolled by the jews.

@dander They aren't desperate. They already had a plan. They needed to show Biden like this so normie Democrats would go ride-or-die for the next person they'll present to them. They were losing the "Vote blue, no matter who" effectiveness.

@dander I actually expected this to happen right after Biden was elected, but it looks like they didn't want Kamela in there for 4 years. I still expect them to sneak her in, followed by Oprah or Big Mike as a proper candidate in the coming years (if we survive).

Looks like Gavin is a real possibility right now, too. The entire world will be overtaken by women, retards, and children of communists who all look the same.

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