my job lets me watch podcasts #notafed . she is pretty much the female version of tfm. she has also said she was heavily iinspired by thomas sowel. she has said that if she had the power she would out right ban divorce and birth control.and make marriage uncucked for men. she also tells man not to get married.
mfw am dead sure biden will nuke an american major city to get the ww3 party started #oroborosGames. hold me to this
#cuckthedral game over. this is the first time china ever done this for anyone let alone any country. this is making a statement of major proportions
coups spreading like aids in africa. the cuckthedral is over . you get a coup , you get a coup ,you get a coup , you get a coup . coup all over this african bitch @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic wow ok , looks like assassination games have began. would have thought they use sniper
#doubleDownies i wonder if coz jill biden got muh positive on covid they will naturaly say biden got it and died to get rid of the shit show and also use it to prep for lock downs lawl @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
Brifaults law.masculine presenting transgender lesbian