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That below or a beautiful 10/10 sex doll from the with a spinning pussy? Huh...tough choices...

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat guys tfm just doxed him self , he is no monkey , well kind of , he is a nigga , his ghetto nigga stories confirm this . Only a ghetto darkie can have such a tramatic unfortunately childwood, here is nigga tfm he lookin fresh though

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>"There will be no communications or treaties with the current Kiev regime"
gg faggots
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wet is water , foundout retarded big sister took clot shot

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Now that I'm older I can see i was projecting my loyalty and integrity on others who clearly had none.

It hurts my ego to admit this. Who likes to see themselves as a poor judge of character?

I partially blame myself for the lies and betrayals... They can still go to hell though

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.