Why do stores charge different online than in store?

I went to buy a charger at Best buy and it's 37$ in store but 20$ online and they REFUSED to let me price match.

I dropped that shit and ordered the SAME type charger for cheaper on their own website for pickup at store.FTFY


@basedbagel I would say it's because of the costs related to having a physical location to sell it vs just having it in a random warehouse. That 17 dollar difference is about what one employee makes in one hour.
Another possibility is that they are trying to incentivize people to buy from their online store, probably from the reasons stated above.

That makes sense but here's my beef.

When I got to target they let me price match their online store with no issue.

This is the THIRD DAMN TIME I've tried to price match at best buy and they give me a surprised Pikachu face and waste my time with their dumbass policy.

S*** like this is why Amazon is winning and will never stop winning for the foreseeable future.

Say what you want about Amazon but they understand you don't piss off people who spend a ton of money with you 😤

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