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The Old Testament is anti-semitic because it mentioned some Judeans and some Israelites did bad things

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@Shlomo Russia has some solid men in its leadership and military. It's kept the post modern kike infestation from taking root as badly as it has here in the West. And, even better they appear to actually be trending away from the kike influence that's there now.
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@Shlomo @RaHoWaJoe True. Either way this goes, I don’t see any way to avoid violence because the jews and their lackeys are psychopathic and people are gullible retards.

a sizable portion of our White population worships our military as bastions of freedom (hopefully that’s changed since they started de-Whiting and trannifying the military) and another portion who hate them are anti-White faggots (including jews) who hate Israel because they think they’re “colonialist” “White supremacists”.

we’re stuck between a kike and a synagogue and the path we’re being offered is through NYC sewers :disintegrate:
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@Jewpacabra @RaHoWaJoe The hatred was created both by white soldiers who fought for kike interests and kike brainwashing programs.
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@Shlomo @RaHoWaJoe if Palestinians get shipped over here, the violence against us increases and that’s all anyone will see. If the jews get shipped over here they will clamp down harder and get even nastier with their tyranny until it’s stopped.

a lot of shitskins hate us simply cause they ain’t us, too and the entire western media machine has injected anti-White sentiment into their heads since birth.
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