@Tfmonkey tell me how it's not "all Jews" again, how has Americans not done the thing yet literally a hostile takeover and you do nothing

@VooDooMedic tfm is not ready to throw all of them into the mega pit. he still thinks few good apples excuse all the rotten ones and that he can separate one from another. no worries. he'll get there. it took him years to finally admit what "we" all knew. it will take a bit more time to adjust to this new worldview.

@Justicar its like drinking out of a punch bowl with a decapitated baby head floating around and people are still like yeah seems good to me its not just about tfm its about all Americans

@VooDooMedic you need to understand that usa has very different relationship with jews than europe or russia. they haven't dealt with them for millennia like europe did. russia got overtaken and destroyed by them. germany was destroyed due to them. but i think their time is up. slowly but surely.


@Justicar @VooDooMedic don't start toying with my emotions, I already have a pair of smurfs hanging off my crotch single 07 and 30 October.

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