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"Oh no. The inevitable result of my bad decisions."


OMG talk about brainwashed.

I wonder, with a communist brainwashing of that level. Can they ever be free in their mind again?

They rather have Tyranny now than risk getting Tyranny in the future...

This is like a bad joke. How dumb are they? Are they so dumb that they don't understand what a police state is?


I saw someone post that the fediverse, threads and bluesky is capable of handling all the traffic on X plus their own. I laughed and told the person that they vastly underestimate the amount of people who want freedom vs those who don't.

So... I think those who think that living in a police state is better than having freedom, is the minority who calls for censorship when their feelings get hurt, they are in the minority.

Americans say that living in a police state today is better than having freedom that might lead to tyranny.

Americans say that living in a police state today is better than having freedom that might lead to tyranny.

You half to remember the rule of percentages half the people you meet will have IQs under 90. They don't know they're stupid. They say shit like, "vote blue no matter who" or "well vote em all out next time". These are your average everyday common folk, you know, morons. Another quarter will be average. These are your friends and acquaintances. Some may be ready for the truth but still most wont be. Then you'll have another quarter above or highly intelligent. These are people you rarely interact with, doctors, actual entrepreneurs etc.

There is no sanity in the USA anymore.

How can you deal with Americans when they look you in the eye and say that the US had TSA groping in 1776?

@freepatriot gotta let em crank yer hog a few pumps or the British will retake Lexington.
California about to pass a new law for mandatory gun storage in safes.
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