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@freepatriot BRO why you spam same things you already posted

Are you sure you are not mentally challenged?

@Stahesh @freepatriot

People on the internet are slow and need repetition.

@37712 @Stahesh @freepatriot
Might be a bot. I'll keep watching to see if the posts repeat.


What would San Francisco do if the store owners took a plane ticket to Mexico or Russia and did not come back and stopped paying property tax and mortgage on the stores after that

Americans say that living in a police state today is better than having freedom that might lead to tyranny.

Americans say that living in a police state today is better than having freedom that might lead to tyranny.

On one hand, pot. I've never seen anything good come out of the 420 culture (b4 anyone says hemp it predates stoners). But on the other hand, the Sackler family pushing painkillers. Psychologists pushing Ritalin. If there's gonna be a War On Drugs, it shouldn't turn a blind eye on the merchants.
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