
Quick question for @Tfmonkey, is it possible to increase the character count for each post? I find that sometimes 500 characters gets used up too quickly, so if we could increase it to 1000, that would be great.

If not, then okay.

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@houseoftolstoy I don't know how to do that. I don't see an easy way in the settings menu to do that.

@houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey
It can be done, but AMR May need to do it as it’s behind the scenes via CLI. My instance (which runs an alternative to mastodon called “soapbox”) has a default of 5000.
@houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey Tolstoy, I see you too are thinking of a new/back up fedi profile.

@BallisticPig @Tfmonkey Yes. I figure I should follow suit with what Graf was saying about spreading out instead of being too centralized.

@houseoftolstoy @BallisticPig @Tfmonkey never again, my home was destroyed now I leave before josh shoahs another place
@BallisticPig @houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey no one is here except me, its cake isloves falloutshelter which ive taken over
@MasterSimper @houseoftolstoy I joined, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to migrate my followers. I think I'm just boomerang it up, but I could not follow you. I think it's user error. Aka I am retar

@BallisticPig @MasterSimper I tried using the account moving controls, but that failed each time. Not sure how to fix that, so I just announced that I am moving.

@houseoftolstoy @MasterSimper I might go into Merovingia since a few other pay poggers are there and I'm too retarded for pleroma. I need boomer mastodon.

@BallisticPig @MasterSimper Go whereever you want. What is important is making sure you have a "home" that makes sense. Poast is fine, but not perfect for my tastes. At the very least it worked to find others after paypig went down.

@MasterSimper @houseoftolstoy Fax. I can use the UI for shit, cause I'm a boomer. No cap, fr fr. OnG
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