@furgar It would have been funny if a bunch of Ugandan Knuckles showed up and started spitting on everyone.

@Tfmonkey @furgar @Tfmonkey @furgar is there any better example of voting with your dollar than the vast empty wasteland of the metaverse?

@PapaPole @Tfmonkey @furgar One problem with the so called metaverse is the barrier to entry that is buying an expensive VR setup. Who is going to buy a VR headset to do something as cringeworthy as "party in the metaverse?" Nobody. People buy VR headsets to do other things such as video games.

Whoever came up with these plans are really out of touch with what people want.

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@houseoftolstoy @PapaPole @Tfmonkey @furgar I have to wonder if there’s that extroverted corps of boomers who want to recapture the energy they derive from IRL meetings and interactions. They don’t get that same extrover buzz from talking over webcam, but maybe, just maybe they can feel that rush in 3d

@WashedOutGundamPilot @PapaPole @houseoftolstoy @furgar I think Facebook bought Oculus to try and diversify their brand, and should have just kept the two separate rather than try to merge them into some Ready Player One fantasy that turned into a shittier and more expensive version of VR Chat without any of the fun memes.

@Tfmonkey @furgar @houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot @Tfmonkey @houseoftolstoy @furgar one thing that sticks out to me was that weird walmart shopping vr video. it seems out of when compared to the obviously superior convenience of a website. but i bet they know internally that getting people to wander aimlessly through a maze of aisles is a better way to get people to spend more money on impulse purchases. they know its stupid. they dont care. its another way to manipulate a few bucks out of you.
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