
If your reaction to the Chinese spy balloon is "I can't believe that the Chinese are spying on us!" I have some bad news for you. Other countries are always spying on us, just as we are spying on them. Us finding on example of how it was being done should not make you shocked that we are being spied on.

Besides, our own government does it, and they hate us more than the Chinese government does.

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Laughable how everyone calls this highly visible thing a spy balloon when spy-satellites already have advanced resolution.

Nor is it a weather balloon. The Chinese don't need to fly a balloon over mainland America to tell the weather, let alone that even being a thing.

Some speculate it's more likely an EMP. Whatever it was, an unknown UAV belonging to a foreign power carrying an unknown payload was ALLOWED to fly over Montana.

@houseoftolstoy this whole balloon thing seems like the perfect distraction. I wonder what shit happened in the last week and no one noticed because everyone was following big balloon.

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