This rand paper plan seems like a band aid on a bullet holse

US wanted skilled labor from Germany because they won't have kids.

So they sabotage Germany to make their skilled labor move to the US.

But Germany isn't having any kids either so what does this really solve?


Yes, the current Germans would not be having enough kids either, but they can come and work right away as adults without any investment in terms of children being born and educated.

Just like all other cases of immigration, it solves the problem temporarily. Just long enough for the current politicians to be able to say "we fixed it" in the short term, they can retire wealthy while kicking the can down the road.

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I agree but the second order consequences could be catastrophic.

We sabotaged our ally which will dissuade other countries from supporting us.

Also, Do they not remember how Hitler came to power?!

@basedbagel My guess would be that they would hope that Germany/Germans would not find out about this plan. Or if they did, they would still go along with it because they do not have better options.

@basedbagel To elaborate, immigrants can come immediately and start working and paying taxes (assuming they are legal and all that). It takes a couple of decades to solve that same issue with natural births being increased. Plus, the actual solutions to having higher births (i.e. taking women's rights away) are always politically unpopular.

So immigration it is. But "at least they are white" might make some people on the right happy, but think about the German politics/government now.

@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel taking women’s rights away is soo extreme and a bridge too far, let’s cause an energy crisis, start a war, blow up a pipeline, destroy the German economy then we’ll get them to move to the US, it’s definitely the most humane.

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