The next 9 days will be my make-or-break with my goal weight target which is 80 kg (176.37 pounds) by the 16th, I'm currently sitting at 89.4 kg (197.093 pounds) I'm going to be eating only protein and drinking zero sugar drinks and water



@VooDooMedic Good for you. Always good to see someone making progress towards bettering their own health. Though I don't know if it is actually possible to cut that much weight in such a short time frame. So please be careful.

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@houseoftolstoy I cut the same amount of weight in the same amount of time couple of weeks ago

@VooDooMedic @houseoftolstoy As you get closer to a healthy weight, it becomes harder and more risky to lose weight at the same speed as when you were obese/fat.

Losing 21 lbs in 2 weeks. Be careful.

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