Every normie who blames economic conditions for low birth rates or anything related to economics needs to be confronted with questions about which country has the best economic conditions? And then you look up the birth rate. Chances are, the birth rate will be low in spite of the great economic conditions.

Repeat the process if they try to name a different country.

Also, there is never going to be the perfect economic conditions that will raise the birth rate. Because that is not the problem.

@houseoftolstoy low birthrate does tank gdp though , wat are u trying to say.? ur statement is confusing ELI5


@dander You are talking about an entirely different thing. Yes, the GDP will go down as a result of a lower birth rate.

But I am talking about how a "bad economy" is not the reason for the low birth rate. That is people arriving at the wrong answers, which could be for many reasons.

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