@Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot a lot the the r/antiwork posts seem "too good to be true". youd have to be a lunatic to think a car crash doesnt excuse you from not making it to work. theyre very entertaining either way

@PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot Are you telling me people would make things up to push an agenda and get upvotes online?

I despise the r/antiwork crowd as they live in a fantasy world where they think that work is oppressive and that they should just be able to do whatever they want with their time and still be able to eat and have a place to live. Nothing is stopping them from seeking alternatives such as living off grid or forming a commune.

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@houseoftolstoy @houseoftolstoy @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot i agree the communist ethics of r/antiwork are detestable. but i love a good story of someone quitting a shitty job. im a big fan of the malicious compliance, petty revenge, and prorevenge subreddits. i love any tiny crumb of justice or vigilantism against shitty people. the general culture of reddit is trash but there is some decent content if you know where to look.

@houseoftolstoy @PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya /r/antiwork is a window into the bottom-rungers in all their ways, equal parts freak show and societal zoo.

Stuff like this does grant a rare insight into how terrible life is when your management is composed of the most insignificant, pitiful amounts of power the system can grant to an 86 IQ overseer

@WashedOutGundamPilot @PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya I should clarify that I don't think that there are not complete shit workplaces or that everyone should accept a job that sucks. The problem comes when you have people think that they should basically get everything for free while not even considering that we still need people to work in order for society to function. Farmers, power plant workers, and others who extract resources from the land do not owe you the fruits of their labor for nothing.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya And before someone else brings it up, I will not defend farm subsidies. Even so, we need farmers to have the food we need to survive, unless you grow/hunt/gather it for yourselves.

I personally know farmers and I can say that they have a good number of 16 hour work days in the year. So we should at least appreciate their work when we go to the grocery store and get easy access to food.

@houseoftolstoy @PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot >nothing is stopping them from living off-grid

Besides urban sprawl whic ever-decreasing amount of unmolested land, and you know, laws.

@kuon @houseoftolstoy @PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya I’m actually to the point where if someone talks about how they’re living off-grid or even homesteading, and they haven’t achieved some level of success already, I blow them off altogether. Homesteading is only for the hardworking. If you can’t carve out a life with all the utilities and supports of society, then you’ll be in for a world of hurt

@Twoinchdestroya @PapaPole @houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot Can't tell if you're trying to say that off-gridding is bad because glowies will murder you or are agreeing that there are things preventing people from off-gridding, such as the threat of getting murdered by glowies.

@kuon @PapaPole @houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot Threat of the gun, not saying you shouldn’t, but it’s a naive belief that you can pack up and escape without pushback.

Yah, I laughed at one of the memes on r/antiwork and then kept getting updates and it was too much. I agree large corporations and the media don't care about you. But when you blame the like 12 people who run the damn thing, it's fucking dumb.

Your coworkers are just people too and you have to play nice with them.

Some people can't seem to be able to do that. It is like people weren't socialized...
Also, people in communes work like dogs lol. As is the point of the commune.

@Tony @houseoftolstoy @PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya ah, but in their minds they’ll have a LOVELY life on the commune. Just look at how much mental health and tarot expertise they all bring to the table!

(actually a wonderful counterpoint to how so many on our side talk about being modest laborers in their dream state)

Look I actually support communes. Sure it might be a scam, but if the people are genuinely happy and it is truly self sufficient, I don't see what the problem is.

Just watched Wako again last week.

@Tony @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @PapaPole I also have no issue with people forming a commune and all. The problem I have is when they try to scale it to the world at large and force everyone else to participate. This is retarded because a commune only "works" on a small scale (if it does at all), so adding more people who do not want part of that system just makes everyone miserable.

@houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot
looks like they all just want to be hippies. maybe Nixon was right about them after all
@Tony @houseoftolstoy @PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya
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