@Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot a lot the the r/antiwork posts seem "too good to be true". youd have to be a lunatic to think a car crash doesnt excuse you from not making it to work. theyre very entertaining either way

@PapaPole @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot Are you telling me people would make things up to push an agenda and get upvotes online?

I despise the r/antiwork crowd as they live in a fantasy world where they think that work is oppressive and that they should just be able to do whatever they want with their time and still be able to eat and have a place to live. Nothing is stopping them from seeking alternatives such as living off grid or forming a commune.

Also, people in communes work like dogs lol. As is the point of the commune.
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