Not exactly sure how accurate and realistic these war game exercises are, but perhaps they might serve a purpose when they tell us the US will not just outright win. That is, assuming our politicians are not retarded enough to go through a full scale war with China.
"Likewise, for every consequence the United States was willing to impose on China in the game, the CCP regime had its own response prepared.
In response to being booted from the SWIFT international banking system, for example, the Chinese side cut the United States off from all Chinese battery technology, used in everything from iPhones to electric vehicles."
So war with China would necessarily mean that the environmentalist retards would be told to shut up so we can mine. If we have any sense
@nugger That is not something that I thought about, but that is something I cannot rule out. Though with the trajectory of how our military is operating, throwing more money at the problem is going to be as effective as it is at solving poverty and bad education outcomes. Which means that our military will still perform poorly.
But let's consider the plight of our defense contractors. Without more wars, how will all the higher ups be able to afford their backyard pools?
"The game was ultimately cut short because of time constraints, but its conclusions nevertheless presented the Select Committee with a sobering reality: Resupplying Taiwan with arms and other critical supplies after a CCP blockade had been imposed was not possible.
Likewise, without additional basing options with regional allies, the U.S. side risked immense casualties and its stockpiles of long-range missiles being depleted in short order."
Yep, we would not be not fighting goat herders here.