Today is my lucky day.

I got on youtube and everyone was shitting on justglowiethings.

I don't really care why but anything that gets less men to trust her is okay with me!😀


@basedbagel You may be correct that she is a glowie, as circumstances are quite convenient for her. Though at the very least, I think she is what I call "permitted opposition" (controlled opposition is vague enough to imply direct control or just being on a leash), where she is considered not extreme enough to be allowed.

Though if she is a glowie, I have to wonder about their motives. Gaging men's anger levels? Attempting to redirect or suppress genuine movements? Smokescreening/misdirection?

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Controlled opposition is spot on.

Justglowiethings is used to gather Intel on us and make sure we don't get anything productive accomplished.

Remember the way they see it all of us are incel domestic terrorists that could snap at any moment.

Such a sad state of affairs

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