
Elon Musk is a great example of why you should not place too much hope into one man being the hero to save the day. It seems like there is always some sort of backtracking, setback, or rug pull when it comes to his ownership of Twitter. Whether or not anything gets as bad as many people think, if you do not place much emotional investment in "based Elon Musk saving the day," you will not be disappointed.

It is best not to uphold anyone too much as a hero anyways. Too many eggs in one basket.

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@houseoftolstoy try telling that to the masses and having it stick, it will go the same way as if you have the conversation about goverment lies and should you trust yhe government, they will tell you that yes the gov lies all yhe time and then for the other question say yes we need to trust the gov they are looking out for us.

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