Doing my daily recon of libshitprop (NPR), and I heard the mention of the Spring offensive "might have already started." Silliest thing ever. There should not be any doubt if an offensive has started. If it is not obvious and the Ukrainian army is starting the operation in secret, then they have not started their offensive.

Just another example of "just trying to make it to Friday" propaganda. They do not want to admit that Ukraine's "offensive" will not amount to jack.


Another thing I just thought of, the whole "who blew up the dam" question. Yes, it was probably Ukraine. But why?

To hurt the Russians? No, I have a different theory. It gives them an excuse to not go forward with the "Spring Offensive."

"We were totally going to go hard on those Russians this spring! But those assholes blew up the damn! Going under those conditions would be a disaster!"

Thus, they can cancel the plans that they knew would fail while not admitting they would just lose.

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@sandwich Yep, precisely what I am thinking. If/when everyone who suspects Ukraine was behind destroying the dam gets vindicated by evidence later on, the media will just try and memory hole that as well. Same shit, different week.

'Member the missile that went into Poland? At first they said "Russia did it!" Turns out, it was Ukraine.

Down the memory hole!

I will let others contribute if they like to the list of things that went down the memory hole for Ukraine.

@houseoftolstoy @sandwich Snake Island
An earlier S300 also slammed into their own apt bldg

But those dead Polish farmers stand head and shoulders above the rest, Zelensky almost forced NATO into WW III with that lie. And even in the face of overwhelming evidence, he was still moping about it.
iT cOuLd HaVe bEEn RuSSiA

@sandwich @houseoftolstoy before ukraine destroyed the damn Ukraine had begun their spring offensive and it was a massive failure, a minimum of 250 casualties reported so far, dozens of tanks, vehicles destroyed and the ukrainian military in complete and total retreat, truth is ukraine blew up the damn because it would help in their retreat, waist russian resources repairing the damn, keep the soil wet to delay russian offensive, create humanitarian crisis and blame it all on russia.

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