Having not been in school for long enough, I am not sure if the DARE program is still going on or how long it has not been in place. Regardless, the DARE program is the perfect example of how "education" does not solve major problems. It is not that people lack information about drugs being bad, we already know that. The people that use drugs got all that info, they just don't care.

This same principle can be applied in many other areas. So don't let libshits tell you education is the solution.

@houseoftolstoy telling people something is dangerous doesnt stop them from doing it. danger can be fun. you ever driven a car 100 miles per hour? its exhilirating.

@PapaPole Yes, people like to do what is fun/exhilarating. But that is often not in their best interests. There is only so much teaching that can be done to have people do what is in their best interests. Those that can be reached do not require that much teaching, and those that cannot are usually a lost cause.

But the premise that we just need to TEACH more is something lost on those who are too stuck on the value of equality. They really don't like the idea that stupid people exist.

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