god even my third world shit hole doesnt clown the hard. wtf the west countries. you fall verry likes we are going back to the dark ages


@dander >Winston Smith

Okay, this has to be satire. That's the name of the main character in 1984.

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@houseoftolstoy @dander what is a pox article, I cant even find it online, I think its false but still truthful in that it says what we all know they are actually doing behind the scenes.

@37712 @dander Oh. I was not looking at that. Now I feel silly, as that should have been a bigger giveaway.

Still, we saw the complete 180 with the acceptance of neo-Nazis when the powers that be wanted people to support Ukraine. It's like some of the power brokers were making bets to see if they could get the supposed neo-Nazi haters to be cool as long as they were the "right" kind of neo-Nazis.

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