
@Tfmonkey Been doing some thinking. I remember you stating that Russia was talking with countries like Iran (and others in the Middle East). There are claims that the attacks from Hamas were coordinated by Iran. Not saying that is actually true, but if it is, I am seeing some possible connections.

Perhaps this is a attack against NATO by BRICS, considering every NATO country is all "rah rah Israel." It also falls in line with your theory about what you said before with Israel being a target.

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@Tfmonkey So if you were worried about Russia "slow walking" their plans, it might not be the case. It certainly would be a devastating blow to the Big GAE to sink even more money to Israel and have things go worse for them, all while not having to do a lot of the heavy lifting themselves, considering they have a whole lot of people in the region already pissed off at Israel.

Maybe I am reading too much into that, but I see it as a strong possibility.

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