I don't know if this point has been brought up before, but I doubt the claims of "anti-Semitism" on the rise being true. Rather, they just conflate any anti-Israeli protesters as being "anti-Semites" regardless of whether or not they actually hate Jews.

I guarantee there are plenty of lefty protestors labeled "anti-Semites" that are pro-Jew in every way except for having Israel as an ethnostate. It is just that they take the Ben Shapiro definition of "anti-Semitism" and run with it.


This is what is going on.

Jews are Whites now so it is okay to hate them, according to the Left.


@amerika From what I have seen, the conflict in Israel is causing a lot of infighting on the left. The far lefties of course hate Israel for being an apartheid ethnostate, and the establishment and moderate left is all about "our greatest ally."

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I am seeing the same thing.

The far-Left hate Israel for being successful.

The near-Left want to defend Israel as part of the liberalized West.

The near-Right are seduced by Christianity.

The far-Right like to pose at hating Israel but may actually detest low-IQ violent brown people more.

It's mass confusion.

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