
I don't know if this point has been brought up before, but I doubt the claims of "anti-Semitism" on the rise being true. Rather, they just conflate any anti-Israeli protesters as being "anti-Semites" regardless of whether or not they actually hate Jews.

I guarantee there are plenty of lefty protestors labeled "anti-Semites" that are pro-Jew in every way except for having Israel as an ethnostate. It is just that they take the Ben Shapiro definition of "anti-Semitism" and run with it.

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I am sure there are those that hate Jews protesting as well against Israel. Except these people have always existed, and they are often Muslim (no surprise considering Palestine is a factor). But just having a proclaimed "rise of anti-Semitism" is vague enough to give those in power the excuse to do what they please, including crackdowns on speech and sending more money to Israel. Meanwhile, they will blame white people for the "anti-Semitism" even if they are brown nosing Israel the hardest.

@houseoftolstoy no, its true but it is also well deserved and called for

@37712 I made a second point that is a factor in a later comment: the Muslims. I am quite sure they would be large part of the "anti-Semitism." And it is understandable, considering how many wars the US wages on behalf of Israel.


This is what is going on.

Jews are Whites now so it is okay to hate them, according to the Left.

@FourOh-LLC @houseoftolstoy

We have a duty to the future to remember the past as accurately as possible.

@amerika From what I have seen, the conflict in Israel is causing a lot of infighting on the left. The far lefties of course hate Israel for being an apartheid ethnostate, and the establishment and moderate left is all about "our greatest ally."


I am seeing the same thing.

The far-Left hate Israel for being successful.

The near-Left want to defend Israel as part of the liberalized West.

The near-Right are seduced by Christianity.

The far-Right like to pose at hating Israel but may actually detest low-IQ violent brown people more.

It's mass confusion.

@houseoftolstoy Tons of Muslims in the US Context are considered demographically White. That is how they spin the numbers at their core.

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