
It is not enough to understand that our government lies to us regularly. Many people realize this, but they are unaware of a bigger picture. That being the government is not just lying about small things, but much larger things.

Much of what we hold to be historical truth should be suspect. The moon landing? The official JFK assassination story? WWII history? You must be willing to accept that some of these accounts are lies if you think yourself truly skeptical.

Just what else is untrue?

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On a sillier side of things, I really do not care if Michelle Obama is really a Michael. But I sure will not be shocked either way. A more plausible theory that can be true regardless of whether or there is a Michael or Michelle is that Sasha and Malia are not their daughters. Having children gives you a more positive image to the public, and all politicians know that. So it would not surprise me if those two girls were put on loan so that the First Family would not be childless.

Another great example we should all be aware of is "McCarthyism." I recall learning in school how Joe McCarthy was just so horrible when he accused people of being communists. But it turns out, he was correct. Blacklisted by History outlines this perfectly (worth the read).

I recall also the Stanford Prison Experiment was recently discovered to be a bunch of bullshit too, as it turns out the people running it had an agenda.

I am sure there are many other examples I am unaware of too.


> Just what else is untrue?

Literally everything. I'm not even kidding.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie" - Goebbels.

@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy
The biggest lie of all is that government needs to exist.

@Zeb @houseoftolstoy

Nope, we know government need to exist otherwise everyone will take your shit, murder all the boys and men and rape your women.

It's the form and size of government that everyone fights over.

@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy
You just described a military force.
Throughout history, even in cave men times, you had those without a government. Even at the smallest unit, a family, you have the father and his sons.

@Zeb @houseoftolstoy

And you just described a government. Whomever has the power to enforce is the government.

@Zeb @houseoftolstoy

Juan Guaidó can bitch and moan all he wants but without the army he's nothing. Same as Bolsonaro.

Niger just took France's toys away and their government is literally the army. Same as their neighbors Mali and Burkina Faso.

Every single nation on the planet at some point in their history has had their corrupt king or government overthrown by their own army.

"Government" is just fiction without enforcement. Armies will always be the ultimate backstop.

@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy
I agree. Every single act of government intervention is under the threat of violence and, the more absurd the intervention, the more extreme the violence. Niger and other countries had to overthrow their governments are the highest level because that's where the source of the intervention in people's lives came from - where ideally the rules of your society should be as local as possible (so it's closer to its citizens).

@Zeb @houseoftolstoy

Having your own army overthrow the government is like getting bitchslapped. It means you fucked up real bad.

It's like a hard reset button - start again, do better or you're going in a bodybag.

@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy
I'm sad men don't do it more often, trial and error is a valid way of learning how to do things right

@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy
It's kinda long topic but the best scenarios are where you have independent local communities that can associate with others for mutual benefit relationships, but never surrender their autonomy and rules to a separate body who is not locally accountable. This higher body should never dictate how you people live their life, it works better when there's no planned intervention.
I know envy and resentment are in the way though...

@houseoftolstoy yes but mcarthy was a gigantic closeted fag who got blackmailed by a kike named Cohn and ended up subverting alot of shit. Did far FAR more damage to the US than we will ever truly know.
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