I am so sick of still hearing how "Covid shut everything down" in 2020. No, it was not "the virus" that did it. It was governments doing it. And considering how much they lied about the supposed death numbers (dying "with Covid" is considered a "Covid death" even if the death was obviously not due to that) and many other things, it is quite clear that so many supposed issues were indeed avoidable. They merely wanted you to not rightfully blame them for screwing everyone over.


Businesses and people were not going through all sorts of stupid bullshit because of "the virus." Not when some of the most laughable policies were put in place, such as having tents out in the middle of winter at restaurants so that they could do "outdoor seating" to comply with completely unnecessary rules. Let us not forget how many businesses were fined or facing other penalties because they dared not accept the hysteria that every libshit had during "the pandemic."

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