
If you had any "New Years Resolutions" just forget it. You should have been making changes to your life before some arbitrarily decided calendar date and all that. Most people who make such resolutions abandon them the moment the feelgood rush wears out and they find out that they never wanted to commit to real changes.

When I started getting into lifting, it was not due to some resolution around a new year. It was at some time when I realized I should be making myself stronger.

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@houseoftolstoy I agree but TBH this is one of the only mainstream holiday with a positive message so if it takes new years for people to get in shape so be it.

i'm tired of looking at obese people every day.

@basedbagel But that's just the thing, they don't actually get in shape. They may get a gym membership and even go there a few times to walk on a treadmill. But there is a reason the "my gym got busier after New Years" is a meme. Because it does not STAY busy afterwards.

And many fat people don't commit to the more important part of weight loss in changing what they eat. You cannot outrun or outlift the amount of food you put into your mouth.

@houseoftolstoy Everything you said is 100% facts.

But I'm still cautiously optimistic because:

1. Many fat people are scared to go to the gym and new years gives them a good reason to start.

Even though most don't follow through. If 1 does that's 1 less obese person straining the medical system being an eyesore.

2. Most of our holidays are stuff your face and consumerism. It's just refreshing that ONE day people at least pretend to to do some introspection however temporal it might be.

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