I theorize that women believe that the power of social conditioning can alter reality is due to the fact that for them, it is mostly true.

"Women need to be made engineers so that young girls will be inspired to become engineers!"

You may get a few more women "engineers" with social conditioning and government quotas, but that is only an illusion if women are not fit to be engineers. But for the feminist advocates, the title itself means that the woman is an engineer by title alone.

So sure, the woman with a job title can be referred to as such. But if she cannot do the job, then is she really an engineer? Obviously not.

So when we apply this same mindset to other areas, many women will think that they can socially assert other things to become reality.

But if you do not realize that social assertions can only create illusions, you can believe idiotic things like women being just as strong as men, but men are socially conditioned to do sports more than women.

Anyone who knows anyone with daughters knows that girls have roughly the same amount of opportunities to participate in sports. Sure, not all the same sports, but girls are provided with the same opportunities to engage in physical activities as boys.

And it is not as if most parents care that much if their children are the best athletes ever. Rather, they just want to give them opportunities to exercise, compete and have fun.


So where is this socialization gap? It does not really exist. Rather, it is just a retarded rationalization by feminists stupid enough to think that strength differences are a result of socialization.

But if you only ever went through life where you can be placed in positions you never should have been in due to state backed gender quotas, it is that surprising that they would think this would apply to biological differences?

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There are social factors that would tempt women to be weaker than men even if they had the same genetic potential like men always letting women get free help for things so women do not develop the strength by working to earn them if they choose to only get the goods or services they want through the free help

Women should exercise at higher intensity or longer duration but choose not to for social reasons and avoidance of pain mindset is sadly tolerated/approved in/for them

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