Who's the stupid fucking fuck now, faggot? Hmm? What's that? I can't hear you on account of you being fucking dead.


@ButtWorldsMan I take no joy in the death of others. However, I recall that it was the pro-vaxx crowd that made places on Reddit like r/HermanCainAward celebrating those who "died of Covid." You just know those faggots would tell you not to gloat about deaths like these, even though they did so themselves in the opposite direction.

So if you encounter that sort of thing, remember who you are dealing with. Besides, "Covid deaths" are bullshit when you consider the loose criteria.

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@houseoftolstoy @ButtWorldsMan Joy wouldn't be the right word, it's more relief. The less retards are available to annoy you, the better.

@houseoftolstoy I expected one of you people to come along.

This faggot, while alive, was the type of shitstain who would have the government forcefully vax your entire family and children. We know the ones who virtue signaled the hardest were the most deranged government psyop endorsers. His death is well deserved cosmic justice. Fuck him.

@ButtWorldsMan I am not sorry he is gone. By "I take no joy," I am not looking to shame others. I understand that the phrase gets used to tell others that they should be ashamed if they gloat over others deaths. I just mean I personally am not celebrating deaths. But I will also not mourn for those like this either.

And good point, he would try to force it on everyone else. So the world is better off with him gone.

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