
I have to wonder if those actually in charge of the Biden admin are doing a sloppy job of covering up his obvious mental decline or if they are deliberately setting him up so that they can eject him so that they can get a puppet that is not going to fumble his words every time he/she speaks publicly.

Hard to know for sure, as they have been holding on to Biden as puppet-in-chief for longer than I expected.

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They are going to replace him with the first black woman President who will be transgender and trans racial but will be proclaimed a real woman of real African ancestry on the media

@houseoftolstoy perhaps theres a 3rd reason nobody but me is schizophrenic enough to understand

@calicocrack I am willing to hear this 3rd reason. Maybe it will seem crazy, but I have seen plenty of theories that seem crazy out there.

@houseoftolstoy they know most of what he says is dumb shit, but they also know he can let things slip while still being able to play it off as him just being old. little hints, to say the quiet part out loud to each other.

why? because they can, they know very few will even briefly consider doing something about it.

its also their fucked up way of getting our consent. they have a rule that mandates they must let everyone know what theyre doing so we can accept their terms of service, but they know we would never accept so they just say it very quietly in a way that we dont notice, so we cant say no.

its how they morally justify doing everything they do, if everyone is ok with it, then its fine if they do it. this way they can tell themselves theyre normal, despite living in a hedonistic cult. getting validation, by force.

im not entirely prepared to schizo-dump on on fedi just yet, gonna need a lot more than 5000 characters and improve my speaking skills to really explain what i mean but thats the short version.

@calicocrack On the surface it does not look like that crazy of a theory. They know most people will do nothing, so they are less concerned about being careful. They do have to do damage control, so it is not as if all of it is desired. They just do not care enough to have a more competent puppet at this time.

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