I just watched a video from Aaron Clarey cabout Us male loyalty in WW3 and this comment cracked me up 😂 :

"No Russian, Chinese, Afghani, Iraqi, or North Korean ever called me an incel."

@basedbagel I recall a shill on 4chan (pics related) going on about how men should be fighting for their families and country.

What families? Many young men are not able to get a willing and marriageable woman, so they have a lot less stake in society. And if you have no family to care for, you probably also will not have strong feelings for your country either. Especially not when the government of that country shows nothing but contempt for the young men.

>democracy dies in darkness

How about we just kill it with a gun instead ​

@matty @basedbagel While democracy sucks in itself, those that say that phrase unironically do not even adhere to their own principles. They falsify results when the people make the "wrong" choice (2020 US election) and make people vote again and again on issues when they vote "wrong" (many EU referendums which only stopped coming in when the "correct" results happened).

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