
I had a realization when it comes to the whole "trust the experts" meme. There is nothing wrong with experts themselves. Even those who despise the slogan have experts they trust.

The problem is that the "experts" we are told we need to trust are preselected by the government to parrot whatever narrative they want. Other experts who may disagree are never the ones we are given permission to trust.

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@houseoftolstoy I didn't come up with this analogy, but most modern day "experts" are essentially high priests for shitlibs

@DW2 @houseoftolstoy

"Sacred Science. The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or all humanity, is likewise above criticism."

"Doctrine over person. Members' personal experiences are subordinate to the sacred science; members must deny or reinterpret any contrary experiences to fit the group ideology."

Robert Lifton

@DW2 @houseoftolstoy

The most un-scientific statement is "trust the science". These normies with their religious devotion to science is dangerous. Science is a method of analysis and the point is to be skeptical. When you loose the quest for understanding that is the soul of science and it becomes perverted for political reasons you are no longer a scientist.

@houseoftolstoy Might aswell just say

Trust the Corporate Governance State System
Ministry of Truth

@houseoftolstoy I think it's a good point and wanted to ask if there was specifically a meme you were referring to or have handy on your disk for any "trust the experts" memes.

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