
Listening to the local boomercon radio station talking about "Hezbollah terrorists were found crossing the border" makes me very suspicious. Not because of what the normie conservatives think, but rather that this is just a gayop to get those on the right to continue supporting interventionist policies in the Middle East because "We have to stop them there before they come attack us here! See? There they are crossing the border!"

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Of course this will benefit Israel greatly, so it is an easy issue to attempt to give to the conservative mainstream as a way they can get a "win" by "stopping the terrorists at the border." This hardly serves as a consolation prize when illegal border crossing are going unchecked and being encouraged and enabled by those in power.

Granted, most on the right are against illegal immigration otherwise. I just do not want anyone on the right seeing "stopping Hezbollah" as anything significant.


The legal entrance of Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews into the United States is a greater threat than the illegal entrance of Mexican Gentiles

@shortstories @houseoftolstoy Isn't there some old story about a border dude who had like 750 agents and got like 1.5 million illegals or something out of the country in less than six months with no deaths or something?
I keep thinking too, "no person is illegal."
They haven't met jews.
@houseoftolstoy Anyone dumb enough to fall for that is ngmi

They can literally pay mexicans to pretend to be Hamas and conservatards will fall for it.
@Amalek_Respector @houseoftolstoy Rightoids still seething because they'll never righteously reign down retribution from a paraglider instead of being retarded on Twitter.
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