
@Tfmonkey with you mentioning the Iron Dome being all smoke and mirrors, it made me think of something else. What if that was the case with our nuclear weapons as well?

Not saying it is definitely true, but if it was, then the US is even more screwed as we would not have that as a real deterrent. And it would make countries like Russia even more bold because they of all countries would know that it is smoke and mirrors too.

Just a thought, not sure if there is merit, but it makes me think.

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@houseoftolstoy It's similar. Nukes are exaggerated for the sake of deterrence. Iron Dome is a basic anti air defence (similar to Patriot) with a fireworks show for propaganda and deterrence.


>Nukes are exaggerated for the sake of deterrence.

Citation needed


@ghast @Tfmonkey @houseoftolstoy

It would not make the USA less safe because if USA nuclear weapons are fake then all the other countries nuclear weapons are probably fake also on account of they got them from the USA according to mainstream history

A Jew stole nuclear weapon secrets from the U.S.A. and shared them with other countries and was sentenced to death if I remember correctly

Some people believe lots of conventional bombs and mustard gas not nukes were dropped on Japan

@ghast @Tfmonkey @houseoftolstoy It was on Rogan:
I can't find the original 'nukes don't exist' vid. This could be it but it won't load for me atm:

Here's another commentary

I know two people who worked on them. Both compartmentalised.
Samson option is possibly chutzpah.
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