The whole effort of trying to win the votes of women just exposes a major problem with democracy in general. Too many women fall into the category of overly emotional and low information voters, and the attempt to appeal and sway their opinions is just a counterproductive effort since even when you manage to succeed, you usually have compromised way too much of any principles you might have had for a group that will just vote the other way the moment they get the slightest emotional reaction.

Do you really have someone "on your side" if the support you have is fragile at best and full of way too many caveats that are nearly impossible to keep and are often counterproductive to your long term goals and principles?

When you are bending over backwards to win over people who may not even be convinced to support your goals, that is a waste of time, money, and resources that frankly should not be necessary in the first place. But our "sacred democracy" forces this to happen.


We see far too much tone policing and worrying about feelings rather than being able to talk about objective and practical solutions. This would not be necessary in the first place if a sizeable chunck of our voters were not overly emotional l, low information voters. This is mostly applicable to women, but there are men like this too.

And we see the results of caring about tone and feelings. Things are going down the drain.

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@houseoftolstoy Yes. The moment any society is doomed to self-inflicted collapse is not when X person is elected or when Y law is passed.

When males let females have any power, that society begins the path to this form of destruction.

@houseoftolstoy I wonder if we crowd funded a Super Bowl ad for National Socialism if they would actually agree to run the ad. If $25k people donated $40 - that would be enough money. Show all the wounded vets and end on no more wars for Israel. If they refuse to run it, just release it to the public.
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