Can't take credit for finding this. Though I did check to see that it was a recent post, and it was (2 days ago).

Is this just a shill post attempting to get others to go over and fight for Ukraine, or a genuine idiot who would actually throw his life away because he is stupid enough to believe the globohomo media that he would be "fighting for democracy?"

Could go either way, but it reflects a sad mindset either way.

@houseoftolstoy I’m going to go with shill. If this was a real guy why wouldn’t he dox himself?

@Zeb @houseoftolstoy checked his profile. Joined in 2023 and mostly posts in trucker subreddit. Also joined conservative subreddit. But now he’s going to die for Ukraine?

Yeah total bs


@Mr_Mister @Zeb I recall some people have reported offers to buy their reddit username for the purposes of shilling. That way people who look at the post history will not see a month old account that is an obvious shill but rather a totally legit user that has not been bought off.

I would not be shocked if that happened here.

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