
I have mentioned before that I want to be a fly on the wall when I see or hear anyone mention how they cannot afford to live because I often suspect that they have spending they could reduce on things they do not need. I found what I was looking for with Caleb Hammer in his Financial Audit videos. Far too many people spending money on eating out, 7 dollar coffee, trips and vacations they could do without, and other frivolous crap.

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This is not to say that no one is legitimately struggling and are indeed doing all they can while but still coming up short. Regardless of the external economic conditions out of your control such as the job market and inflation, you can still affect your personal financial status by evaluating your spending and making changes in your spending. When economic conditions are bad, this becomes more necessary.

@houseoftolstoy Most people's largest expense is trying impressing other people. I've saved up enough living in my camper over the last few years to buy some land and start building a homestead.

WE WUZ JESUS :thisfuckingsucksactually:

@houseoftolstoy Use gendered language and a very clarifying picture paints itself.
When you talk about men and women, the situation will be drastically different.

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