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Pop quiz, who is the divider in the grocery store meant for?

Here's a riddle: how do these EVIL GAMER BROS know that they are talking to a woman who is playing an online game? Some games have voice chat, but for most games it is not really necessary to play the game.

The answer is that these women out themselves as a woman in some way, where it is easily avoidable and unnecessary to engage in the actions that would out women as being women playing games.

Most likely, they are seeking attention, similar to what this 4chan post states.

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Random recon listening to NPR to see what the soylibs provide for content late one night. I hear a Jena Friedman talking about her time on Adult Swim, where she said her goal was to get the mostly male demographic to stop hating women.

An example of her content:

The response on top illustrates exactly what I am talking about. Men who have no motivation to sacrifice will simply not do so. And I don't see a way to motivate such men into fighting FOR the country when it's own government has nothing but shaming tactics left (like a bitter harpy).

The only way to get men to fight for it is to give them a better deal. Otherwise, we may see them fight AGAINST it. And if it comes to that, well, the powers that be reaped what they sowed.

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But now that men do not have much families to call their own and the breakdown of their existing extended family structure, there is far less motivation for men to answer the call to serve in the military.

And this is really where the powers that be screwed up. They thought they could muster men to have patriotic fervor to fight if they just flipped the propaganda switch. While part of a series, here is an example of a shill appealing to the family.

What family? Men don't have that anymore.

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This right here is a direct example of what I am talking about. Not content with his current status of having to write about video games to be a "journalist," he feels the strong need to bring up politics when it is one of the very things you do NOT want to have discussed when you want a break from dwelling on things such as politics.

It's just a game, you pathetic soyboy. It is not supposed to be a deep political commentary. But you just can't not be a faggot for a moment, can you?

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After finishing Tears of the Kingdom, I was curious if there were any alternate endings of any sort (there were not any really). Then I found this and was reminded why game journalists are so despised.

"Boo hoo, this fantasy game does not have a message that conforms to my faggy libshit politics!"

This is the kind of writer that wishes he was a "real journalist," but could not even hack it as that. So he spews his shit under the guise of being a "game journalist."

"Who cares if they are misusing a meme, it's just an ad!"

No, garbage should not exist. If you are trying to appeal to an audience with a meme format, you should assume that they are familiar with the meme. Otherwise why use it?

Not that I was going to use the product, but I am less convinced when they are this incompetent and retarded.

Another reason to hate NPR. You might think an interview with a North Korean defector may be interesting. But what do they do with such an opportunity? Ask questions about Covid.

But why? Not because there is much knowledge that will be gained here, but rather they want to imply that only EVIL AUTHORITARIANS do NOTHING about the "global pandemic."

How about you fuck off instead of trying to tell me that somehow the government NOT shoving a dick up my ass is rape?

Take one guess if you think the state affiliated media mentioned his age or physical condition. Hint: they want you to think the FBI goon squad was justified in their assault.

It is often not what is said, but what is not said that is telling about what these shitlibs want their audience to think is true.

There are people out there who think they can take you in a fight, @Humpleupagus

I would be curious to see who exactly these people are, considering that there is device called an elephant gun, which implies that a regular gun is not enough to do the job. Because a regular gun is not enough. So what hope would you have bare handed?

Self-awareness: 0

I don't know how else you can say ending permanent alimony erodes the institution of marriage when these women already did that when they divorced their husbands.

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This is the problem with trying to appeal to any fringe voters. Their support will evaporate the moment you enact a policy that appeals to your core base. Though I doubt that many "Republican" women are turning to the other side for this exact policy, this principle can be extrapolated for all women and all the other laws that we should not have.

Just how many stupid laws are allowed to remain just so that "we just need to win one more election" keeps happening?

Out of curiosity for what the WEF is using to push their agenda, I saw one of the big faggot's videos. Here, he mentions that the Netherlands has their land use plans in order to make more room for farmland.

How well is that talking point going to hold up with the Dutch government declaring war on farmers? Is that land going to be put to good use once the government seizes it, even if they are just going to have the farms be state run rather than use if for who knows what else?

I am not inclined to believe this story, as it makes little sense for "the media" to place blame on governments when they are directly aligned with them. But there is one thing that makes sense if the clot shots are a depopulation tool. That being the additional doses causing more problems by design.

Consider who were the main people targeted for boosters. It was the elderly and other "high risk" people. Those that are not/no longer productive.

Often, it is women who for some reason do not care to put in that extra effort. It seems to bleed over into other areas often too, such as diet and exercise. I see a lot more cases of fat women who "go to the gym" than fat men, as they are going there only to put in a half hearted attempt at "working out" (i.e. doing very little effort on the elliptical).

Pic related to bad parking: women are so bad at parking it can be seen from space.

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Heard this segment from our state affiliated media. "You better not question the totally free and fair election results when there are more 4:00 am ballot dumps! Saying otherwise means you are a purveyor of MISINFORMATION!"

I would not be shocked if it was the feds themselves creating these threats just so they can justify more crackdowns on anyone who questions our banana republic "democracy."

Apparently Blinken makes a point to always shove LGBT shit in his foreign policy discussions with other countries. Not an expert on China, but I doubt they are going to be big fans of homosexuality when they are wanting to solve their own birth rate issues.

Even if he leaves out the gay crap, I think China is going to be no happier with the US after these discussions. Even the mainstream press is not optimistic.

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