@deprecated_ii as if 150k a year will get you far in DC. You are either living in a shoebox that is overpriced or are commuting at least an hour each direction (and living in a place that is still expensive). Neither option sounds pleasant to me.
@newman Hard to complain when you are not paying them and/or benefitting directly from the taxes being paid.
Ask any "anarchist" if they would be fine with the elimination of government spending on various expendatures, and you will find out whether or not they are genuine anarchists or not.
@deprecated_ii @Turkleton
You can get fairly buff with just 3 hours a week at the gym. It is not as if you cannot have other interests if you lift weights. I prefer not to be a copelord who thinks that having a skinny-fat body makes you morally superior because "guys with big muscles are jerks!" And exercising means you will have more years of not being a saggy sack of crap.
@EvolLove @newman From their perspective, they are the "true anarchists" and most anyone who supports the current government is considered "on the right" to them.
Even discounting the "everyone to the right of Mao is fascist" mantra, they do not consider that many people on the right are not of the statist variety either, as they lump libertarians and ancaps as being exactly the same as the authoritarian right.
Ask them how they feel about cutting welfare and see if they are really anarchist.
@Ghislaine Anyone bringing January 6 being an "attack on our democracy" is either a shill and/or a faggot. Either way, opinion discarded as unimportant.
@DW2 >liberal but can lift heavy things
Now that is a laugh. Men who lift become more right wing since they are more inclined to value self sufficiency, and have more testosterone as well. And if you can lift heavy, you will only want to lift heavy objects, not heavy women.
Whenever I hear about how horrible Russia and China are due to their governments arresting political dissidents for their speech, I just realize how ignorant many Americans are. Sure, the US government will not directly arrest you for your speech, but they will engage in every form of lawfare possible and coerce "private companies" into acting on their behalf, and in the end arrest you for something else they think they can charge you with.
That totally makes us a free country, right?
@deprecated_ii I bet this guy thinks "the bad part of town" has nothing to do with the people living and frequenting there. And if you were to properly deal with said people he would cry "racism" and "overpolicing."
@tournel @ColonReport @Zeb I would also prefer that they get to the root of the issue. But since they claim they are against "Western liberal influences," there is at least a possibility that they can address the root issue. No guarantees, but they have a better chance that most other major countries.
@sj_zero if your kid says something you agree with, that should not be surprising since they most likely picked up the idea from you. Young children are very impressionable, and get many ideas from their parents.
This is why I am dubious about parents who claim that their young child is trans and claiming they had no role in that happening. The parents either pushed the idea themselves or let it happen without giving the proper pushback.
"The corporations are the ones controlling the government" is not only cringe and wrong, but it is also quite convenient when you think about the lifespan of corporations. Many, many corporations have risen and fallen in the same span of time the US government has existed. Given these lifespans, which option is easier to overthrow? A government, or a corporation (or corporations if you want to lump them all together)?
@lain Apparently a private company cannot do what they want. They only can do what they want when happens to align with the desires of the deep state. And if they go against what the deep state wants, they get lawfared out the ass suddenly.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.