@DW2 But used and new car sales are slightly lower than they used to be! That means inflation is not so bad!
Why pay attention to costs of things people are paying for on a more frequent basis? That would just Biden look bad!
@KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC I don't think many of those female sports scholarships should exist, as they are just there in the same way Title 9 is for the sake of pushing equality. Scholarships for sports are there because the athletes can generate revenue for schools based on their athletes bringing fans to games. Does this happen for women's sports on the scale it does for men's? I doubt it.
@Mongoliaboo Yes, too many parents are either asleep at the wheel or are not allowed into the picture enough to make enough a difference (in other words, the fathers). I would hope that parents who have their children involved in sports would care about their overall wellbeing, which should include teaching their daughters not to slut around. But many parents also do not realize that it is a real problem to allow your daughter to be a slut or they are too naive to even consider the possibility.
I have yet to see anyone voice concerns about trannies going into the WNBA or other women's sports. Namely because nobody cares about those sports. But parents care enough about their daughters playing high school sports. At least they want the playing field to be level in some sense.
Most parents who watch their kids playing sports have a realistic understanding that their children are very unlikely to be competing at a professional level. They usually understand that a healthy competition builds character and gives them a good outlet to exercise and compete.
Having trannies come into female sports takes all that away, as it is well known that males are physically dominant in practically all sports.
My take on the contention with trannies going into female sports is that it has very little to do with concerns about women "professional" athletes being dominated by biological males. Rather, it is mainly parents who just want their daughters to have enjoyable time competing in sports, and they see biological males ruining that enjoyment as they easily overtake any competition and make it a lopsided match, which is boring and no fun, especially for those who are on the losing end.
@shortstories you are correct. But think about the audience for NPR. They will eat this sort of thing up uncritically, and even those who are not overweight will just accept that "losing weight is so hard for some people".
The larger point is that they are admitting inflation is still bad. The "losing weight is hard" comparison is just an effeminate manifestation of their propaganda.
Losing Weight is not hard
That is fat acceptance propaganda
All you have to do to lose weight is do nothing and your body will spend the Calories
You have to do the action of eating which takes work to not lose weight
They are only claiming inflation is difficult to beat in order to say it is as hard as losing weight
To maintain the lie that losing weight is hard
You know things are bad when state media is admitting that inflation is still bad rather than trying to continue the propaganda effort claiming that our government is beating inflation.
They even admit here that it the everyday expenses such as electricity, rent, and gas prices are higher up. Which is probably why they are in damage control mode rather than "everything is fine, quit believing your lying eyes"' mode.
@DW2 So is Lloyd Austin confirmed alive then? Sometime theories do not always pan out, it seems. But the fact that such theories exist shows a strong distrust with our government. Which is well warranted.
@PraxisOfEvil It does let you chase your dreams. Even if your dreams are retarded, you can still chase them. Just maybe think about if your dream makes sense or not to go for, and don't assume that your dreams will pay the bills.
Some people need to understand that sometimes you are not going to get a job that does not feel like work, and that maybe you have to pursue your dreams outside of what you do for a living.
@Humpleupagus With these standards, my wife is the opposite of the ideal woman. The complete opposite, as she has zero of the qualities listed here.
@Aether Women who try to play the "double standards" card do not understand that men who are looking for a traditional woman are generally traditional themselves, which means they also have a low bodycount and are not engaging in degenerate behavior themselves or demanding a woman who is "good in bed" while being a virgin.
These women are just bitter that men do not want to commit to them after slutting it up from 18-30, thinking that "but men do it too" is a universal retort.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.