@WashedOutGundamPilot @sickburnbro it seems far too many people in the older generations are blind to the world around them, as they will never personally encounter younger generations unfiltered. Whenever there is a family gathering, the teen to young adults of the family are on their best behavior and hide the worst aspects of themselves. And given the rose tinted goggles that the older generations have, they will be less likely to see how bad the worst family members are.
It's actually something I marvel at now, because this only works one way: A girl will believe that everyone was drugged up and secretly miserable back in her grandmother's day only because she herself is now drugged up and secretly miserable.
Slanderous zog acolytes in academia make up these obviously false stories about our families, that everyone was secretly a rapist, pederast, sodomite, homosexual, sex addict blasted off their ass on morphine, codeine, amphetamines, benzodiazepenes - and they get away with it because people are so profoundly *broken today that it seems like a realistic assesment of the world.
RT: https://poa.st/objects/8af806f4-da97-489b-870b-200953aa067d
I vooted too. Yes my individual vote does not matter in the grand scheme of things such as the federal government, but it does matter for more local races and measures. The more local the issue, the more important the vote.
But no one should have voting as their only hope and plan in life. If you are looking for election results to save you, you are already doomed.
@Mongoliaboo @Wopu "But just think how much worse it would be if we didn't have the Department of Education!"
That is unfortunately how they think. They assert that their sacred cows are necessary while attacking those who would even suggest doing without. This same woman is the type that opposes homeschooling in spite of data showing how homeschooled kids outperform public school kids in academics.
@nomebullyyou Fair enough. Though I would have to wonder if they would really stay movitated to make the changes permanent. Because it is very easy to just stop at any point and revert back to your previous health/weight when your original motivation is no longer there.
@nomebullyyou When untrained men are still stronger than the women who consistently lifts weights, you know for sure that the "patriarchy" is not going to be taken down physically.
Biology is not fair.
@Eiswald the first one has good merit, and probably the only one really needed. College just makes it so that women delay marriage and children so they can "focus on my career" even if they hate working. Women are also more likely than men to get a useless degree, so it is an even bigger waste.
But this sort of policy can never happen with the Big GAE telling everyone country under their thumb that feminism and butt sex are the highest priorities.
@Wolffkran That could very well be the plan. But I don't think the empire will hold together well considering all the problems happening at once.
Looks like we are getting war with Iran. Or maybe someone who has their sanity left will pull the plug on that operation.
Chance of leftist butthurt: very, very high.
@Furgar In the event we ever get travel restrictions due to "climate change," we all know full well every politician and many celebrities like Taylor Swift will be given exemptions. Because laws are only for the commoners.
@nomebullyyou Sperg moment: the Death Note also requires you to envision the face of the intended target, meaning that it will not just work to kill a random man named John Smith if you just write "John Smith." You would need to have a specific John Smith in mind for that case.
So some random elephant would not die (not sure if animals can be killed in Death Note though).
Still, funny post.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.